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Notes, manuals, specifications, Maps, software, technical notes and requirements of the Forum network technology / network operation in the VDE (FNN).

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VDE-AR-N 4210-11:2011-08 Protection of birds on medium-voltage overhead lines (Download)

VDE-AR-N 4210-11:2011-08 This VDE application guide is valid as from 2011-08-01

Guideline for the evaluation of the reliability and measurement stability of electricity meters and ancillary devices

As a result of the present change from electromechanical to electronic meters, new methods for the evaluation of the reliability and measurement stability are becoming necessary.

IEC 61850 from the user perspective

In 2004, IEC 61850 was published, a communication standard for substations, which offers various advantages over the protocols of the IEC 60870 series if the concepts, services, and procedures laid out in the standard are utilized consistently.
From €59.00

Imprägnierte Holzmaste (FNN-Hinweis, Download)

6. Ausgabe, Oktober 2011